Selling Tickets has
never been easier

Easy to create tickets, easy to promote event pages, seamless payments right to your account.

Create Your Events

Easily create an event page that tells your guests about your event. You can create multiple ticket types, use discount codes, link to social media and more all in just a few minutes. You can accept credit cards securely with MainGate merchant account or use your own if you prefer. If you have recurring events, you can create new event pages in seconds with our EVENT CLONE feature. You can even have a MainGate Team member create your pages for you. Just ask!

Promote Your Events

Start selling tickets right away! MainGate includes marketing and reporting tools to allow you to promote your events on social media, your website, email blasts, even television, radio and billboards with our in-house Advertising and PR firm (ask for details)... You get real-time reports so you always know how sales are trending. Your guests receive their tickets instantly on their screen after purchase as well as Ticket-To-Text and in their email so no more lost tickets!

Check-In Your Attendees

With MainGate, you can check-in your guests however makes the most sense for you. You can scan in guests with the MainGate SCAN-IN app for iOS and Android devices (no need for expensive bar code scanners or other equipment). We include the industry first "ALL-IN" Scanning which eliminates bottlenecks at the entrance. One 'beep' scans in entire groups! You can also manually check guests in individually or in groups using your guest list on a laptop, smartphone or tablet. Or go OLD-School and mark them off a printed guest list. The choice is yours!

Start Selling Your Tickets Online and Make More Money!

How it Works